Kroger & IVC
Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers (IVC) non-profit is now participating in the Kroger Community Rewards program.
If you have not done so already, maybe take a minute now to sign-up if you would like to participate in earning funds for IVC each time you shop at Kroger and swipe your plus card. There is NO COST TO YOU TO HELP A NEIGHBOR IN NEED. In fact, after you create an account at, you will be able to clip digital coupons for products and occasional double gas points coupons to load digitally to your Kroger Plus Card. So you could actually SAVE MONEY while you earn for IVC. How great is that?!
Here is what you do to sign up:
Get your Kroger Plus shoppers card ready. You will need the number on it.
Get on the internet and go to:
Create an account with your email address and Kroger Plus card number. (Or maybe you have one already that you use for your online coupon clipping.)
Sign into your account. On the ACCOUNT SETTING page select your charity of choice. IVC is listed as Macomb County Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers (Organization #43661).
You’re done! IVC now earns a donation from Kroger each time you shop and swipe your card for the next year until it is time to renew your charity choice.
If you need help signing up, please feel free to contact our IVC Fundraising Coordinator at 586-757-5551. She can walk you through the steps over the phone while you are at your computer. Or come see her the IVC office with your Kroger Plus Card and your email address for help signing up.
Consider forwarding this email to ask you friends and family to help IVC as well. Let them now that their participation in this program would help IVC to earn significant funds which can help IVC clients to remain safe and independent in their own homes for as long as possible. And home, is where they most want to be.
Thank you! Your participation in this rewards program means more of your older and disabled neighbors in need of IVC services will get the help they need!