A Sinking Spirit
A Sinking Spirit
Franceska is 90 years old. She lives alone and has no one to help her. She walks with a walker, yet is still able to maintain her home and all its chores.
She learned of IVC from a priest she called for help. Franceska was crying so hard when she called our office that the staff who answered the phone could not understand her needs. She was so distraught she kept asking, "Why is God letting me live this long? I'm no good for anything anymore." Her spirit and fight seemed to be leaving her, though she had survived two concentration camps! She stated she had no food and no way to go to the store or run errands. With her walker, she could not use any regular transportation services.
IVC's "on-call" volunteer drivers began providing her transportation for shopping and errands. Then she was matched one-on-one with one of the volunteers she met this way. Franceska and Faye hit it off like old friends. Shortly after their match, Faye was planning a trip to Germany and Franceska was eager to tell her all about her homeland and to teach her a few words in German. Because Faye checks on her weekly, Franceska no longer has to worry about simple transportation needs.